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Shark Bait

Shark Bait

Posted by Freddy on 23rd Apr 2022

On average, there is only 1 death by shark in the U.S. every 2 years. So how safe is diving with sharks, really? Read on to learn more.Shark Bait Ooh-Ha HaOn average, there are only 8-12 shark encount …
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Photographers...Why You Gotta Be So Rude?

Photographers...Why You Gotta Be So Rude?

Posted by Freddy on 23rd Apr 2022

Photographers can get a bad reputation among divers without even knowing why. Follow these tips to help avoid becoming that "rude" underwater photographer.A common comment on dive trips after the dive …
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Pro Tip: Buoyancy Help

Posted by Freddy on 2nd Apr 2022

Perfect Buoyancy is impossible! Yep, there it is in print. And the frustrating part of that statement is that it is so true. As rare as the perfect golf score, 18.What if I said that perfect buoyancy …
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Fish Facts: Porcupine Puffer

Fish Facts: Porcupine Puffer

Posted by Freddy on 2nd Apr 2022

The Porcupine Puffer is also known as the Porcupinefish or Porcupine Pufferfish. It has spiny appendages which cover most of its body, which may vary from light gray to mottled tans, sometimes with da …
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Spray vs Gel

Spray vs Gel

Posted by Freddy on 27th Oct 2020

Scuba diving is a sport full of decisions. Just about every piece of equipment brings with it options for you to pick from. Sometimes the decision is mundane, other times it is critical. Today’s quest …
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