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Photographers...Why You Gotta Be So Rude?

Photographers...Why You Gotta Be So Rude?

Posted by Freddy on 23rd Apr 2022

Photographers can get a bad reputation among divers without even knowing why. Follow these tips to help avoid becoming that "rude" underwater photographer.

A common comment on dive trips after the dive is that the photographers on that dive totally hogged the viewing opportunity. And by photographers I mean those with GoPros, compact cameras, or even fancy DSLRs.

The funny thing is that most don't even know they did anything wrong. Which is why, unfortunately, many non-photographers almost expect the photographers will be rude because it is fairly common.

First let me say I believe it is the responsibility of the photographer to follow good etiquette. So I will give a number of tips to follow so you don't become THAT photographer.

3 Ways You Might Become a Rude Photographer

1. Touching, laying, standing, kneeling all over the reef. Answer? Control your buoyancy. Touch only that which you won't harm. I say that and I know many will just say don't touch anything. Not practical when many divers kneel in the sand or steady themselves on a rock or using a pointer. If you can simply hover and take your picture, that is the best.

2. Hogging photo opportunities. Simply wait until the non-photographers have had their chance to view. Keep it short (3 photos then move on) or go last. Courtesy here goes a long way. If it is cool, then everybody wants to see it. Wait until your turn without barging in and clearing your way.

3. Moving and "posing" wildlife. That fish would look better free swimming so you give it a little nudge. Very different than trying to lure that eel out of his hole with a fish. Poking, spooking, prodding, or any other interaction with the fish that might displace him or get a reaction for your photo is not good. There are infinite possibilities here but common sense is key. If the cleaner shrimp wants to climb on your hand to inspect for parasites that's its prerogative. If you grab the shrimp to get the shot, that is abuse.

My answers are not complete in any way. So much more could be said, but hopefully not by that angry diver that you pushed out of the way to get that shot. :)