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Diving is the Stress Reliever We All Need Right Now

Diving is the Stress Reliever We All Need Right Now

Posted by Freddy on 23rd Apr 2022

We know that we love diving, but there just might be a bit more to it than that. It's actually a fantastic stress reliever, and might just be the outlet you need right now. Read on to learn more.

I joke that Leviathan Scuba's stress relief program is soaking in salt water for 3 hours a day for 6 days, but there is truth to that statement. 

Not only is diving great for mental health but it also has lots of physical health benefits. In fact, there's an entire therapy based on floating. It has been shown to improve sleep, is great for stress relief and treating stress related illnesses, provides pain relief and reduces anxiety. 

Let's not bring up all the issues of life that can stress us out on a daily basis, instead, chill and submerge underwater for a bit.

The sound (of just your bubbles), the weightlessness, exercise, and the scenery is all I need to relax. My heart rate actually lowers when I dive. Turning off the surface, relaxing, and focusing on this other world is definite therapy. 

Ever tried yoga? A big part is the breathing. It also improves blood flow, increases energy levels and is a natural pain killer. 

Diving is both aerobic and anaerobic. You can just float and go with the current with very little strain on your joints. We kick in a watery environment that has resistance. This can strengthen our muscles and increase endurance. A friend that is 88 years young told me that when he dives, it is the only time his body doesn't hurt. 

Sunshine and diving usually go hand in hand. Both increase endorphins which is that wonderful natural drug our body uses to make us happy. 

So, I guess Leviathan Scuba's stress relief program works wonders. What do you think?