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What is a BADASS review?

It is difficult to find a good, non biased review.  Uncle Harry bought a cheap knock-off of a GoPro and swears by it. After his first dive, it flooded, and we don't trust our uncle's review because, well his pool is inflatable.

Between our diving staff we have collectively over a 100 years of experience. Freddy was certified in 1971. We're pretty sure John was Moses' instructor.  Anyway, we dive a lot, and we expect high standards for snorkeling and dive equipment. It is important for us to share the good, bad and ugly with you so you don't spend your hard earned money on junk.

Here's the thing, if we rate a product bad we know you won't buy it. Exactly our goal! We have been told this logic is backwards and we are missing out on high profits.  However, If we say it is crap, then it's crap, we don't want you to buy it. We want the manufacturer to improve it.  You vote with your $$$ and if it doesn't sell, either the product goes away or the manufacturer steps up and makes it better. When you trust our ratings you will avoid the low scoring ones. It's easy, saves you money and the dive industry improves as a result! 

We are constantly reviewing products and posting our results on our Leviathan Scuba Youtube channel. Each product has been given a B.A. rating - Yep, it does stand for Bad Ass! 

Here is how our scale breaks down:


 Product Reviews B.A. Rating Guide
10 It's Bad Ass - Can't get much better.
9 No Question - Buy it.
8 Good Choice 
7 Respectable
6 Decent
5 It'll do - will work but could be better
4 Dubious - Lower end of products. 
3 Better than Crap still wouldn't use/buy it
2 Crap 
1 Don't even think about it!