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Pro Tip: Buoyancy Help

Posted by Freddy on 2nd Apr 2022

Perfect Buoyancy is impossible! Yep, there it is in print. And the frustrating part of that statement is that it is so true. As rare as the perfect golf score, 18.

What if I said that perfect buoyancy is an ongoing pursuit. To achieve "perfect buoyancy" you will have to work at it. It is not just breath control, although that is a large part.

Here is some information that you might not have heard before that will make it easier. For example if you are figuring your weight out like most people you do it on the surface. And worse with a full scuba tank. The problem is that this defines the heaviest you are during your whole dive. Full tank is heavier than an empty one. anywhere from 5 to 8 lbs different depending upon the tank. So the longer you dive, the lighter you get.

Depth changes your buoyancy as well. Any gas compresses the deeper you go. Suits, BCD's, tanks.

What if I told you to adjust your weight towards the end of your dive. Meaning if you are used to a certain weight, and it seems a little light at the end, think how you might adjust for your next dive. Do it at 20 feet deep as well. Your suit is lightly compressed. If you are still negative at this time it is an indication that you definitely have too much weight.

As little movement as possible. Don't scull with your hands, don't kick with your feet. Attempt to find that sweet spot where you don't move up or down. Your lungs should ideally be half full. If they are almost empty then you are too buoyant. If they are near full then you are too heavy. Ok, now go practice.